Tips, Stories, and Answers to Reader’s Questions

How to handle your multi-passionate offers
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

How to handle your multi-passionate offers

Dear Olivia, I have an online membership for gardeners. The main focus is helping them to create amazing container gardens year-round. But I’m also passionate about plants as food and creating edible gardens and I want to help local businesses in my area grow their own herbs. I know these topics are related (I’ve created herb container gardens before in the membership), but they are completely different audiences. Which one should I focus on?

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Well, that’s one way to do it!
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

Well, that’s one way to do it!

My mind has officially been blown 😂

The other day, my 3-year-old was attempting to pour himself a glass of milk.

He failed. Miserably. Milk everywhere.

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A green fish named Green Fish: 10 Tips for Creating Captivating Offer Names
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

A green fish named Green Fish: 10 Tips for Creating Captivating Offer Names

You know how some kids can come up with the most off-the-wall, over-the-top, crazy names for things?

I’ve personally been introduced to a dog named Sparkle Sprinkle Glitter Pants, a cat named Ashley Jo Priscilla Rebecca Katrina (...there might be another one in here I’m forgetting…) Smith, and a stuffed duck named Diego The Destroyer…

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Post Malone or Mozart?
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

Post Malone or Mozart?

I will admit, it was definitely not what I was expecting…

While driving the other day, I asked my Tesla to play Scène from Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake. (I was in a contemplative mood 🧘)

After the song ended, I expected the auto-streaming feature to continue in the classical genre. More Tchaikovsky. Maybe a little Mozart.

Instead, it started playing…

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Why isn’t my lead magnet converting?
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

Why isn’t my lead magnet converting?

Reader Question:

Hi Olivia. I’m a health and wellness coach and I’m having trouble with my lead magnet. Right now, I have a course that I normally charge $497 for that I am giving away for free. I’ve had a bunch of people sign up for it, but then they don’t ever move forward. I checked the other day and only a small handful have even logged on to start the course. How can some people get a ton of clients with just a one-page PDF lead magnet but I can’t get people involved even with a $497 discount? Feeling a bit resentful and like I’m failing at this whole business thing.

Ashley J., Dayton, OH

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How “niched down” should I get?
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

How “niched down” should I get?

Reader Question:

Hey Olivia! My question is about my niche. I’ve been told that I should "niche down" and that my current niche is probably too large, but I'm having a really hard time with it. How niched down do I need to get?

Brittany C. - Colorado Springs, CO

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The importance of holding space for your clients
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

The importance of holding space for your clients

“Can you come be by me?”

Those were the sweet little words from my 3-year-old last night after he had a bad dream.

He didn’t need me to get him a drink, or check under his bed, or even really for me to cuddle him. He just wanted me to be there with him.

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You're not making this mistake, right?
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

You're not making this mistake, right?

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

A few weeks ago, I took a trip down south for a trade show. (YES - trade shows still exist! I was a bit shocked, too…😜)

As I walked through the rows and rows of booths, I was, quite frankly, shocked at how bad their marketing messaging was.

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Too much?
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

Too much?

The other day I went out to eat with family to celebrate my birthday.

We decided to check out new local Southern-inspired restaurant. Fried chicken, homemade biscuits, and alllll the pie you can eat... my foodie soul was super excited!

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There are two types of people in the world
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

There are two types of people in the world

There are two types of people in the world:

Those who can grab a notebook and write whatever they want in it, with whichever writing utensil they have on hand, and mess up and have no problem scribbling things out or even ripping out the page. (*gasp!*)

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The (bike) path to success
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

The (bike) path to success

The other day, we went down to the bike path for a ride.

This bike path is one of my favorite parts about living in this area. Whether you're walking your dog, training for a triathlon, or cruising with your toddler, it's the perfect place to go (complete with various restaurants, ice cream parlors, and bakeries along the way to help you keep up your stamina...).

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Sunny days
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

Sunny days

One of my latest projects - homeschool preschool. 😜

I signed up for a monthly curriculum box and both Greyson and I actually really love unboxing day!

One of his favorite activities right is a chart that hangs on the wall that he can use to track the weather for the week.

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So…are you a car dancer?
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

So…are you a car dancer?

So, that person jamming out next to you at the stop light? Yeah. That's me. I'm a car dancer (and singer) through and through! 💃

The other day I was grooving with Sia and glanced in the rearview mirror and noticed my 2-year-old doing the EXACT same moves as me.

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Take the leap.
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

Take the leap.

The other day, my 2-year-old and I went to an indoor play zone and trampoline park.

He was mildly unimpressed the trampolines, but to my surprise he loved the foam pits. (Which I've literally had nightmares about since I was a kid...)

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Having the right tools matters
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

Having the right tools matters

I felt like my arm was going to fall off 😂

The other day, I ran to the grocery with my 2-year-old for two things: milk and cereal.

As I was only getting two things, I didn't bother with a cart.

As we made our way through the store to the dairy aisle, though, we saw some cherries. And salad. And lemonade. And fried chicken. And mac and cheese to go with the fried chicken...

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Waiting for a shot (literally and metaphorically…)
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

Waiting for a shot (literally and metaphorically…)

Yesterday, I had to take my 2-year-old to the pediatrician to get a shot.

As we sat in the car waiting to be called into the office, the anxiety of what was coming got the best of him and he broke down in tears. (Which then meant it was all I could do to stop from crying, too 😭)

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Which type are you?
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

Which type are you?

One of my favorite features of my Tesla is the fart machine, because it absolutely cracks my toddler up.

But following in a close second is how automated everything is.

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Are you always speedwalking in heels?
Olivia Radcliffe Olivia Radcliffe

Are you always speedwalking in heels?

I’ve always struggled with the whole “enjoy the journey” concept. I’ve always been about getting to my destination as quickly as possible. I’ve always struggled with the whole “enjoy the journey” concept. I’ve always been about getting to my destination as quickly as possible. Seriously - in college, I would speed walk (in heels, nonetheless) to get to my next class as quickly as possible.

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