Hi, I’m Olivia

Me in a nutshell: I’m a neuro-spicy boy mom, dog mom, and mom boss extraordinaire.

With a toddler at home and three different businesses that need my attention, my schedule is a bit…let’s say unconventional.

When I first started my core business, I tried doing things “by the book.” I participated in dozens of courses, group programs, memberships - you name it! - only to continually end up feeling frustrated, like everyone else except me was effortlessly winning at this whole “entrepreneur” thing, and like I needed to pretend to be someone else to succeed.

I realized that what I wanted my businesses to look like and how I needed my schedule to work to suit the rest of my priorities (read: my life) didn’t fit into the “typical entrepreneur” box.

So I decided to do things a bit differently… (and am beyond happy I did!)

Seen in…

You are you. (Why do I feel like this is the start of a children’s book?)

You have your own unique set of passions, strengths, needs, communication preferences, schedule demands, lifestyle dreams…

And it’s this wonderful amazing magic of YOU that will help you stand out from the crowd, attract your dreamiest clients, and create the business and life that has you jumping out of bed beaming each morning.

So why in the world then would you follow a course or program that teaches you how to create a cookie-cutter business just like everyone else’s?


The intersection of work & life

Let’s shake things up a bit.

Let’s face it - you’ve got a lot on your plate. Beyond nurturing your family, keeping your household running, and trying to focus on your own self-care (every now and then, right?), you’re also a multi-passionate, big-dreaming, transformation-providing entrepreneur. 

And the fact of the matter is that the traditional marketing and business strategies don’t seem to have been written for someone with your busy schedule. 

So let’s shake things up a bit…

I’ll help you break free from the restrictive business rules that leave you feeling rushed, stuck, and unfulfilled so you can craft amazing offers, marketing plans, customer retention strategies, etc., that work with your lifestyle needs instead of against them.

A bit about me…

Hey! I’m Olivia. Or Liv. Or Livie. Or - for a very select few - Olive.

I’m a mom to the sweetest toddler in the world (yes, I’m biased), a German Shepherd (who is also the sweetest), and two cats (meh, kinda sweet) in a little suburb in Ohio.

I’m also a 5-time International Bestselling Author, co-host on the Marketing Like a Mother podcast, co-founder of the Like a Mother Movement, a Women’s Empowerment Speaker, Certified Life Coach, and soon-to-be licensed HeartHealing therapist.

I’m a multi-passionate neurodivergent entrepreneur and an INFJ empath who has a hidden talent for picking up on patterns and what others are thinking and feeling.

I firmly believe that women don’t have to choose between being a great mom/wife/partner/friend/etc. and being a wealthy, successful entrepreneur. I believe you can have it all.

An unordered list of random (and super important) stats

  • Number of successful businesses I’ve started: 5 (for now…)

  • Years in marketing: 15+

  • International bestselling books: 5 (and counting!)

  • Mompreneurs directly helped: 300+

  • Mompreneurs indirectly helped: Infinity-million. Hellooooo ripple effect!

  • Largest group I’ve spoken live in front of: 107,000

  • Chipotle burritos I’ve eaten in one sitting: 3

  • Times I’ve re-watched the Gilmore Girls and Supernatural: Also 3

My goal:

To help you create a thriving, successful, fulfilling, and impactful business that is as unique as you are.

What would life feel like if

  • If you were able to focus on exactly what you wanted to focus on

  • If your dream clients consistently sought you out

  • If marketing and sales felt as easy and natural as breathing

  • If you could effortlessly show up in your business as your authentic self

  • If you could be there for your family when you want without worrying about missing out on deadlines or networking opportunities

If you want to explore how a work/life harmony business model could change your life, let’s chat!

We can have an open and honest conversation about your goals and where I see your next right step to achieving them (whether that’s with me or not!).